Current Stud Dogs
GCH. SeaRidge's Diamond In The Ruff, CGC, RN, WWD (Carbon)
GCH.SeaRidge's Diamond in the Ruff, CGC, RA, WWD. (Carbon) Carbon is fully health tested and clear of all genetic tests. He is an incredibly loving dog with a great temperament and wonderful work ethic. Carbon has been very successful in both the show and performance rings. Finishing in the top 10 nationally for owner handled Portuguese Water Dogs, he went on to win at the Royal Canin National Championships in December of 2017. He has a beautiful headpiece, muzzle and lots of bone as well as an excellent shoulder lay back and is 22" tall, 58 pounds. Available at stud to approved bitches only.
Health Stats:
Hips: Good OFA PW-7753G24M-VPI
Elbows: Normal PW-EL3326M24-VPI
Improper Coat: Normal
PRCD form of PRA: Normal
GM1: Normal
JDCM: Normal
EOPRA: Normal
GCH.SeaRidge's Diamond in the Ruff, CGC, RA, WWD. (Carbon) Carbon is fully health tested and clear of all genetic tests. He is an incredibly loving dog with a great temperament and wonderful work ethic. Carbon has been very successful in both the show and performance rings. Finishing in the top 10 nationally for owner handled Portuguese Water Dogs, he went on to win at the Royal Canin National Championships in December of 2017. He has a beautiful headpiece, muzzle and lots of bone as well as an excellent shoulder lay back and is 22" tall, 58 pounds. Available at stud to approved bitches only.
Health Stats:
Hips: Good OFA PW-7753G24M-VPI
Elbows: Normal PW-EL3326M24-VPI
Improper Coat: Normal
PRCD form of PRA: Normal
GM1: Normal
JDCM: Normal
EOPRA: Normal
Future Stud Dogs
CH. SeaRidge Girl Watcher
SeaRidge Kinky Boots
SeaRidge Kinky Boots