C'est La Vie is pregnant and we look forward to welcoming puppies the first week of April 2024. We expect to have some black and some brown with possibly some white, water loving babies in this litter! Both parents have been fully health tested per the PWDCA.org recommendations. In addition, they have both tested clear (N/N) for CDDY which with just a single copy, can cause severe back issues. If you are interested in being considered for a puppy, please fill out our puppy questionnaire. Feel free to call text or email as well. While looking for puppies and researching breeders:
I highly recommend you go to: https://www.pwdca.org/assets/docs/health/PWDCA-Health-Testing-Recommendations-202003.pdf and get a list of the names of all the testing, as well as all genetic testing recommended by the Portuguese Water Dog club of America. Get the registered names of BOTH parents and/or AKC numbers of the parents of any puppies you consider getting. Go to www.offa.org. In the upper right hand corner you can put in the name or AKC number, one at a time, into the box and click go. It will show you all of the tests that have been done. If the dogs haven’t had the full testing done, move on. Find a different breeder. The reason for doing this is we have several genetic conditions in our breed. If the breeder isn’t doing the testing, it can result in huge costs and/or heartache to the buyer. Some preventable inherited diseases cause blindness, others cause the puppy to die, oftentimes before reaching its first birthday. If the breeder isn’t health testing, you are the one risking heartache and possibly huge vet bills. If the breeder tells you it had the dog tested through Embark, that is no good. Also, if the breeder tells you their vet x-rayed the hips and the hips look fine, that’s not any good either. Orthopedic Foundation of Animals (OFA) are the only ones to rate hips. For example, you can use the information from my male to see what kind of results you should expect to see come up. SeaRidge's Diamond in the Ruff is his registered name. You can just use his AKC# WS48568608. Notice the CHIC emblem next to his name. This also indicates he has had all the recommended testing done as well as has been DNA tested to prove he's the dog I say he is. I hope this helps! Please let me know if I can answer any questions.
This is awesome magazine put together by our National Club and it has some wonderful articles! https://online.fliphtml5.com/uheir/rryl/
I highly recommend you go to: https://www.pwdca.org/assets/docs/health/PWDCA-Health-Testing-Recommendations-202003.pdf and get a list of the names of all the testing, as well as all genetic testing recommended by the Portuguese Water Dog club of America. Get the registered names of BOTH parents and/or AKC numbers of the parents of any puppies you consider getting. Go to www.offa.org. In the upper right hand corner you can put in the name or AKC number, one at a time, into the box and click go. It will show you all of the tests that have been done. If the dogs haven’t had the full testing done, move on. Find a different breeder. The reason for doing this is we have several genetic conditions in our breed. If the breeder isn’t doing the testing, it can result in huge costs and/or heartache to the buyer. Some preventable inherited diseases cause blindness, others cause the puppy to die, oftentimes before reaching its first birthday. If the breeder isn’t health testing, you are the one risking heartache and possibly huge vet bills. If the breeder tells you it had the dog tested through Embark, that is no good. Also, if the breeder tells you their vet x-rayed the hips and the hips look fine, that’s not any good either. Orthopedic Foundation of Animals (OFA) are the only ones to rate hips. For example, you can use the information from my male to see what kind of results you should expect to see come up. SeaRidge's Diamond in the Ruff is his registered name. You can just use his AKC# WS48568608. Notice the CHIC emblem next to his name. This also indicates he has had all the recommended testing done as well as has been DNA tested to prove he's the dog I say he is. I hope this helps! Please let me know if I can answer any questions.
This is awesome magazine put together by our National Club and it has some wonderful articles! https://online.fliphtml5.com/uheir/rryl/
Click on this link for information from the Canadian Portuguese Water Dog Club for a wonderful article detailing what to expect when working with a reputable breeder. BUYER BEWARE

The Portuguese Water Dog is a highly intelligent, energetic, working breed. It is not a breed for everyone. They require lots of exercise, mental stimulation and time with their loved ones. When left alone they can create entertainment for themselves which may or may not be to your liking. They have an incredible sense of humor and are often creative, manipulative, demanding and very mischievous. They know what they want and will try several ways to charm you into it. They have a non-shedding, hypoallergenic coat. The coat comes in two styles; curly and wavy. The curly coat is very similar to a poodle. The wavy coat has more of a sheen, falls in loose curls or in some dogs appears almost straight. There can be quite a bit of variability in the amount of curl from one wavy to the next. It is very common to have a litter with both curly and wavy puppies. Portuguese Water Dogs come in Black or Brown with or without varying amounts of white. They need frequent combing or brushing and since it is hair instead of fur, it continues to grow. You will need to find a groomer who can cut their hair every couple months or learn to do it yourself. If they aren't groomed regularly the hair will mat and it can become very painful for the dog.
This is Sadie, she was left for a very short time alone in the car. She found my green duck tape and decided to decorate herself.