We have bred C'est La Vie and the litter is due early April 2024. This pedigree has many dogs who have lived long lives well into their teens. We strive to research pedigrees to bring together dogs with health, longevity, breed type and loving temperaments. Both parents have been health tested per the PWDCA.org recommendations as well as the optional test for CDDY, which both parents are CLEAR. N/N. This is the only gene test that is a dominant gene and a single copy can cause significant back issues in dogs.
This will be C'est La's second litter. She is a smart, fun loving, water loving girl. She's a moderate girl of 19" and 48 pounds. She learns very, very quickly and loves with all of her heart. Her first litter will soon be a year old. She reproduced beautifully and some of the puppies have had success as show dogs, water competitors and have earned titles in other performance events. One of her puppies went to a home to be trained as a diabetic alert dog for their 8 year old son and he began alerting low blood sugar at 12 weeks old. Most importantly, all of her puppies are loved family pets. We place puppies predominantly as pets but they can also be so much more if that is where your interest lies.
Tide is a beautiful, Irish marked boy. I first saw him at a dog show when he was 7 months old and fell in love with him. After going over him and looking at his pedigree, I knew I would breed to him one day. He has a fabulous temperament. His father is a dog named Primo who lived to be 15 and reproduced beautiful temperaments and lots of longevity. The two of them compliment each other beautifully and I'm very excited about this litter.
Below, are pictures of Mom, C'est La Vie and Dad, Tide.
If you are interested in being considered for a puppy from this litter, please click to fill out our Puppy Questionnaire.
We are are available via email at: [email protected] or phone at: 919-649-4898
This will be C'est La's second litter. She is a smart, fun loving, water loving girl. She's a moderate girl of 19" and 48 pounds. She learns very, very quickly and loves with all of her heart. Her first litter will soon be a year old. She reproduced beautifully and some of the puppies have had success as show dogs, water competitors and have earned titles in other performance events. One of her puppies went to a home to be trained as a diabetic alert dog for their 8 year old son and he began alerting low blood sugar at 12 weeks old. Most importantly, all of her puppies are loved family pets. We place puppies predominantly as pets but they can also be so much more if that is where your interest lies.
Tide is a beautiful, Irish marked boy. I first saw him at a dog show when he was 7 months old and fell in love with him. After going over him and looking at his pedigree, I knew I would breed to him one day. He has a fabulous temperament. His father is a dog named Primo who lived to be 15 and reproduced beautiful temperaments and lots of longevity. The two of them compliment each other beautifully and I'm very excited about this litter.
Below, are pictures of Mom, C'est La Vie and Dad, Tide.
If you are interested in being considered for a puppy from this litter, please click to fill out our Puppy Questionnaire.
We are are available via email at: [email protected] or phone at: 919-649-4898
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Grand Champion SeaRidge C'est La Vie, CGC, WWD, RN, TKN
AKC# WS67824211
AKC# WS67824211
Grand Champion Bronze Del Sur's Turning The Tide At Cold Iron